<aside> šŸ–Œļø Soft Witch Documentation


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For my switch, I used the simplest circuit with a battery, a switch, and an LED. And the switch is made by a conductive button. I first used regular threads to fix the basic elements on the cloth, and then used the conductive thread to connect them to make sure it is a closed circuit. The most difficult part for me was to make the pocket to hold the battery. On my first try, I attached a piece of conductive cloth to the main body and attached another piece of conductive cloth to the separate pocket. However, the LED didnā€™t light up. I later realized that the positive and negative sides of the LED shouldnā€™t end up touching together when they reach the battery end. In other words, the two pieces of conductive materials were fully attached to each other and messed up the circuit. On my second try, I removed one of the conductive cloths and only used conductive threads to make sure the negative and positive sides of the LED wouldnā€™t end up touching each other.

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I will choose this one to make sure each LED can get 3V of electricity.

<aside> šŸ–Œļø Readings Reflections


I think fashion is a style or a trend a certain group of people looks for at a certain period of time. Iā€™m interested in fashion because I think fashion is not just as simple and brainless as people assume. Instead, the design and logic behind fashion brands are a cohesive and consistent aesthetic that designers have been thinking about. They can reflect different themes and cultures, ranging from the preservation of traditional cultures to an attitude to politics and social issues. Altogether, I think it is a combination of humanity and art that invites common people to join the conversation.

I am a lazy person and I want my things to be simple and classic. That is why I have lots of same pieces such as Leviā€™s Ribcages (with different colors). However, I do think Iā€™m a sharp and interesting person, so that I will have one to two colorful pieces everytime when I consider my outfit.

I often heard that when people talk about fashion, they always say fashion is a circle because things trendy before will get popular again one day in the future. However, according to Ying Gao, ā€œThe world evolves only when we innovate, otherwise we areĀ just running in circles.ā€ Maybe ā€œfashion is a circleā€ shouldnā€™t have become a common sense because people now think it is okay to promote to the old things in fashion, and it seems to have become an excuse to not explore new things. There is a terminology called ā€œsingularityā€ in science, referring to a point when human civilization get upgraded, and it is not foreseeable until it really comes. I belive there is such a thing in fashion as well that is waiting for people to discover.