In-class exercise:

截屏2023-04-18 20.17.00.png

I followed the video tutorial and faced two major problems when modeling the bangle.

When using the Pipe command in Rhino, I wanted to adjust the radius of the pattern and make them thinner. However, after trying several times, I found it was impossible to change the scale. However, I later realized that the existing pipes need to be removed before creating new layers.

Also, the last step of the 3D modeling is to flow along the surface, and I came into many troubles here. I tried many different combinations of how to simultaneously select the panel, the pattern, and the structure of the bangle. However, the pattern just wouldn’t be placed back to the bangle. Finally, I figured it out: pattern first, and ‘Enter,’ and separately click on the UV curve and then the bangle structure.

3D Printing:

I first tried with generate support, and the default angle of 45 degrees. However, the result was that it supported everywhere. The first printing failed. Later, I changed the angle to 80 degrees and it succeeded.

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