<aside> 🖌️ Sensor Documentation


We created the circuit based on option 1. The principle of operation is to separate two pieces of conductive material with a piece of insulating material. We sewed the parts together and then started to form the circuit.

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However, we realized that our buzz did not work after connecting everything. After checking everything, we initially thought it was because the cable connecting to the laptop did not work. Nevertheless, after changing two different cables, the circuit still did not work. We finally realized it was because the portal in Arduino did not change to Lilypad. After that, we removed one extra cable and it finally worked.

This is the video documentation:


We also tried with LED:


<aside> 🖌️ Wearable Device


We created a pair of air cushion shoes. The main idea is to amplify the feeling people have when they are “in contact with” the ground while walking. The act of walking is something we do every day, but how to power up and the point of contact between our feet and the ground is something we tend to ignore in every step. Designers have made a lot of efforts to improve the relationship between the foot and the weight. What we want to do is to make people walk with the feeling of stepping on clouds and marshmallows.

Therefore, we used inflatable wrapping material to make the shoes: 1) it can balance the weight of the users. We used two layers to strengthen the shoes. 2) in some fashion and luxury brands, transparent PVC materials are a strong point in the design. It's a new way of dressing that emphasizes the form of the fabric rather than the outline of the person wearing it. The fabric itself can have structure.

Materials: inflatable wrapping and tape; the shaping of the shoes is based on the teammembers’ shoe sizes.

Below are the photos and the videos of the shoes.

截屏2023-02-14 18.29.56.png
